I will be glad to any questions, suggestions and wishes. Email me if you want to ask something. You can help make the blog more useful and interesting!


    Over the years of experience, I have learned a lot about information technology. Now I want to share my experience with you. As a teacher, I will be happy if my materials teach you something.

    All instructions on the site are taken from my practical work. I tried to delegate their writing to others, but nothing good came of it. Not everyone has the necessary knowledge, so I write all the practical materials myself. In blog articles, I try to present the training material in detail and intelligibly using a sufficient number of illustrations. This will help you self-study.


    The development of product cycles in the field of high technology occurs through the interaction of platforms and applications: new platforms allow the creation of new applications, which, in turn, add value to these platforms, thus closing the positive feedback loop.
