computer on human life

Computer harm in human life

Let us now consider the harmful effects of a computer on human health. I remember the well-known expression “Children of the asphalt” – city children who are not enough in nature “. So you can call all the people who sit at the computer, both in the city and in the countryside.

The strong influence of the computer on human life

Today, almost every family member has a computer. Children and adults spend most of their free time at the computer and replace live communication with virtual ones.

Here the problem of “bad habits” arises, as well as gradation – which is more harmful. Some parents even rejoice if teenagers are sitting at the computer or watching TV, rather than wandering aimlessly through the streets, reading a book on the couch, and not going to a nightclub. If a person is sick with alcoholism or drug addiction, relatives knock on all doors and try to cure the patient. But no one complains to others that a son or daughter is sitting in front of the TV or at the computer more than necessary.

The uncontrolled impact of the virtual environment is very significant on the fragile psyche of a child. Many adults cannot tear themselves away from computer games and social networks, and what can we say about children. Violent play makes a child aggressive, cruel and indifferent towards others. He plunges into his virtual world, becomes closed. Lack of movement, prolonged sitting at the computer also leads to physical illness.

Since we cannot refuse modern technological devices: computers, tablets, smartphones, we must remember a simple truth: “Everything is good – only in moderation.” Modern electronics is a useful thing. But if used thoughtlessly, the harm can be felt more than the benefit.